MicroQuad Growing System
MicroQuad Growing System
Everything you need to get started growing microgreens from the comfort of your home. Our automated hydroponic growing system comes with a Microgreen Starter Pack which includes grow media, trays, and enough seeds to grow approximately $100 of retail microgreens.
Whats Included:
* Powerful 10 x10 inch LED GrowLight
* Bamboo Light Stand
* Water Reservoir
* Growing chamber for up to 4 growing trays
* Quiet water pump
* Compact Dual Timer for Lights and water pump
* 12 5x5 Growing Trays
* 6 Preparation Trays
* Enough Microgreen seeds to grow 26 trays (~$100 Value)
* Bamboo growing medium
* Wood Pulp growing medium
* Silicon growing medium
* Access to Multimedia Library which includes: Setup, Growing, Best Practices, etc.